简介:FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner is the prime suspect in a homicide involving a woman he was with the night of her death. Mulder and Scully are all he has to prove his innocence, as superior officers try to shut him down and the only clue is a mysterious old woman.
คุณพี่เจ้าขาดิฉันเป็นห่านมิใช่หงส์/Khun Phi Jao Kha... Dichan Pen Han Mi Chai Hong/Good Heavens! I’m a Goose not a Swan/我非天鹅/兄长/我是鹅不是天鹅/คุณพี่เจ้าขา...ดิฉันเป็นห่านมิใช่หงส์/